Nahaleh Naraqi honors National Doctors Day in Iran

nahaleh naraqi

On this special occasion of National Doctors Day, which coincides with the birthday of the esteemed Persian scholar Avicenna, Nahaleh Naraghi, extends heartfelt gratitude to all the doctors across Iran. In a message reflecting the deep respect for the medical community, Ms. Naraghi highlights the enduring legacy of Avicenna, whose contributions to medicine continue to […]

Bright future for pharmaceutical industry in Iran!

Bright future for pharmaceutical industry in Iran! By Nahaleh Naraqi

Bright future for pharmaceutical industry in Iran! By Nahaleh Naraqi   The future of the pharmaceutical industry in Iran is bright. Although Iran’s economy is going through difficult years, this industry has managed to pass the year 2023 with better conditions in many indicators. Obstacles and economic fluctuations and infrastructural problems that exist especially in […]

Message from Ms. Nahaleh Naraghi on the occasion of Health Week

nationala health week

Message from Ms. Nahaleh Naraghi on the occasion of Health Week “National Health Week”, a reminder of a serious social responsibility From the 21st till 27th of April is celebrated as “National Health Week” in Iran. The slogan of this year’s national health week is “family health and popularization of health”. “National Health Week” serves […]